Monday, November 10, 2008


Brian "Z" Zisook
Vice President
The DJ Booth, LLC.

I interviewed Brian "DJ Z" Zisook who is one of my good friends that work in the music industry and is the vice president of The DJ Booth, DJ Booth is the next revolution in music sites, building a community of
music lovers around its exclusive collection of audio features, interviews,charts, reviews and much more. The interview went great. He uses technology everyday on all types of things, Whether it goes from putting more audio on the website and updating information, to recording interviews he himself have conducted with other people in the music industry. Here are the questions i asked DJ Z.

How often do you use a computer?

In order to do my job, a computer is vital. I probably spend 6-8 hours at my desktop computer, 1-2 hours on a laptop, and another hour (over the course of the day) on my mobile phone.

What type of software do you use most often to do your job?

For audio editing and recording I use Adobe Audition 2.0. For word processing I use Word. For digital photo editing, I use Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Are there specialized kinds of machines or programs needed to do the job?

In my studio I have a bunch of equipment from JK Audio. I also use Technics headphones, a Sennheiser microphone, and various other pieces of mixing equipment.

Have you received training on the use of the hardware or software?

I learned how to use most of this equipment working in the radio industry for 5 years. The rest of the equipment was all self-taught.

Does the company use a network? If so, is it reliable? How is it used within the company?

No, the company does not use a network.

How security conscious are the employees of the company? Are there company policies regarding the use of technology?

Yes, there are company policies regarding the use of technologies. We monitor them very closely.

How would you rate your own technological abilities?

I consider myself very well versed!

How critical is the use of technology to the company's success?

Our company is 100% reliant upon technologies.

If you were asked not to use technology, could you do your job as effectively?

No chance.

What emerging trends do you see in your type of work field related to technology?

The emergence of web-related advertising and promotional campaigns will only continue to grow as more traditional means (newspaper, magazines, radio) continue to die a slow media-sales death.

If someone were just beginning in the field today, what advice would you share?

Read, read, read. The best way to get good at something is to ingest as much information as there is available about the field. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to do what you do well. Knowledge is power; its no joke.

1 comment:

--G. Lilly said...

This sounds like a very interesting interview. Popular websites certainly are a growth industry. It makes sense that such businesses are completely dependent upon technology. In fact, it is usually the companies that find innovative uses for technology that tend to flourish.